Without a doubt, some people have an excellent metabolism so they may be happy with their body, but there are also those who are not.
It may sound strange, but there are several people who want to gain weight and want to do what it takes to achieve it.
For this purpose, it is recommended to consume foods that have a high energy density. It is important to ensure that you are ingesting a greater proportion of calories than the body is burning. But what is also important is that the calories have nutritional values, it is not about eating garbage and food that does not contribute anything.
Weight gain shakes are an excellent option if what you are looking for is to gain weight.
There can be many reasons why you want to gain weight, among which we find, as we have mentioned, you are quite thin, having greater strength for a competition, a hormonal problem, that your appetite is diminished by an illness or medication, among others. It is important to consult with your doctor before starting any diet.